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a special prayer for this time

this time of year it is important to create new mind and body habits to support the increasing challenges we face. the season is so difficult for many: the darker days and cold, the consumerization of good will, the continuing chaos of the pandemic, the harshness of political debates, the conditions on the street; there are any number of dilemmas we and our friends and loved ones struggle with.

we say, try forgiveness for everything. the ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian prayer of forgiveness that will greatly improve your life. the prayer goes like this: I am sorry, I love you, please forgive me, thank you.

when spoken, this prayer and its high frequency will grow neural pathways and lead to rejuvenation. we find this prayer helps create a new way to see beyond what we judge, label and hate.

like a powerful mantra, it takes practice. speaking the prayer over and over, we become more natural. the state of anger and hurt is replaced by untapped peace of heart and mind.

the poetic code and resonance found in the ho’oponopono is the kind of healing that can create miracles. we wish you, your loved ones and community the freedom of a forgiving heart and the joy which solidarity and sharing will bring in these unprecedented times.

here's to endless compassion,

eugenia and kampol

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